
Organization chart

Calendar icon  Tuesday 10 September 2019


The management and control structure of the EMFF OP is governed by the provisions of Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 in Articles 122 et seq. (operational indication: point on the document uploaded in the DOCUMENTS section)

Organizational chart

The implementation of the EMFF is ensured through a single National Operational Programme of which the Directorate General for Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Ministry is the Managing Authority.

The Managing Authority is responsible for the good implementation of the Programme and for achieving the results set forth, as well as for the correct use of the financial resources and the accurate compliance with the relevant Community and national regulations. The specific functions of the Managing Authority are set forth under art. 125 of Regulation (EU) no. 1303/2013 and art. 97 of Regulation (EU) no. 508/2014. (operational indication: point on the document uploaded in the DOCUMENTS section)

The Managing Authority is also responsible for the control programme and coordinates activities in this area. In order to carry out the functions referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies - Directorate General for Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture relies on the Harbour Master's Office network as National Fisheries Control Centre. (operational indication: point on the document uploaded in the DOCUMENTS section)

The Certifying Authority of the OP FEAMP for the period 2014/2020 is the AGEA – Agenzia per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura (Agency for Agricultural Subsidies) - National Paying Agency, and its task is task is to perform the functions under art. 126 of Regulation (EU) n.1303/2013. (operational indication: point on the document uploaded in the DOCUMENTS section)

In particular, the Certifying Authority is responsible for drawing up and submitting to the European Commission:

  • Periodic reports on expenditures which must come from reliable accounting systems, be accompanied by verifiable documentary evidence and comply with Community and national rules and meet the requirements of accuracy;
  • the statement of annual accounts, which must be accompanied by the Management Authority's statement and annual summary, the Audit Authority's opinion and report on controls.

Under the provisions of Art. 123 of Regulation (EU) no. 1303/2013, it is possible to identify one or more Intermediate Bodies to carry out specific tasks of the Managing Authority and/or the Certifying Authority under the responsibility of these Authorities. (operational indication: point on the document uploaded in the DOCUMENTS section)

The tasks, functions and responsibilities of Intermediate Bodies, as well as their relations with the Managing Authority or with the Certifying Authority, are regulated by means of a formal agreement between the parties concerning the procedures, criteria and responsibilities connected with the implementation of the delegated tasks.

The Intermediate Body formally delegated to carry out the activities provided for in the agreement entered into with the MA and/or CA, operates on the basis of the provisions contained in Community and national legislations as well as on the basis of the provisions of the Manual of Procedures and Controls of the delegating Authority.

The Audit Authority of the OP FEAMP for the period 2014/2020 is AGEA – Agenzia per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura (Agency for Agricultural Subsidies) - Coordination Body - Coordination Office of specific controls.

The Audit Authority has the task of supervising the effective functioning of the management and control systems of the Operational Programme. To this end, the Audit Authority meets the following fundamental requirements:

  • structural independence and clear separation of functions with respect to the Managing Authorities and the Certifying Authority of the relevant Operational Programmes;
  • adequate allocation of human and instrumental resources in relation to the tasks to be carried out under the applicable Community and national regulations;

use of formalised procedures and control systems consistent with predefined quali-quantitative standards, based on internationally acknowledged audit principles.

Moreover, the Audit Authority carries out all the functions entrusted to it under art. 127 of Regolation (UE) no. 1303 /2013.

The Monitoring Committee

The functions of the Committee are set forth in Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 in Article 47 et seq. The Committee shall meet at least once a year to evaluate the implementation of the programme and the progress made in achieving its objectives. In doing so, it shall take into account financial data and common and programme-specific indicators, including changes in the value of result indicators and progress towards quantified targets, as well as intermediate targets defined in the framework of the effectiveness of implementation and, where appropriate, the results of qualitative analyses. (operational indication: point on the document uploaded in the DOCUMENTS section)

The monitoring committee shall examine all aspects which affect the results of the programme, including the conclusions of the audits on the effectiveness of implementation.

The monitoring committee shall be consulted and, if it deems it appropriate, give an opinion on any amendments to the programme proposed by the Managing Authority.

The monitoring committee may make comments to the Managing Authority on the implementation and evaluation of the programme, including actions relating to the reduction of the administrative burden on beneficiaries.

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