

The Community Led Local Development - CLLD is the participatory local development strategy that inspires and characterizes the EMFF and is deeply linked to Priority 4 of the OP to increase territorial cohesion.

For the concrete implementation of the CLLD, the Ministry plays a coordinating role with the objective of a coherent and as uniform as possible application of the participatory approach at the territorial level.

The CLLD entrusts a more operational role, of a managerial and administrative nature, to the Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs), the local action groups on fisheries, selected by the Regions, as Intermediate Bodies, through calls for tenders and through the correct application of the eligibility and selection criteria. Each FLAG draws up a Local Action Plan to translate the objectives into concrete actions, equipping itself with a structure capable of carrying out the operations. The areas of intervention selected by the FLAGs in the Local Action Plan must be consistent with the emerging needs and development opportunities of local communities to strengthen the quality of the design and implementation of interventions.

The National Network of FLAGs represents the instrument of coordination and sharing within the Mipaaf to provide information, guidance, models for the implementation of local development strategies of a participatory type. The Network facilitates a bottom-up active involvement by encouraging the exchange of experiences and good practices and the dissemination of results.

Finally, FARNET is the European network of CLLD territorial actors and operates through the FARNET Support Unit - FSU to provide technical assistance in the implementation of the participatory development strategy. Working closely with the European Commission's DG MARE and the institutions of the Member States, it aims at building a learning network that is constantly being strengthened.

For information and questions, the following e-mail address is available:

For further information, please call +39.06.4665.2863 - 2852.

We also inform you that the Administration is available to organize training meetings on the territory.